Monday, May 23, 2022

Flowers for IO Square Card Theme Day

 ***Affiliate links used when possible at no charge to you.  When you buy from my link it allows me to purchase more supplies for additional blog content!  Thanks so much!***

Hello! It's Theme Day at Impression Obsession and this month we are creating square cards!  My cards are sized 4.25 x 4.25 inches.  I think they would make sweet cards to pass out while I am in town running errands.  

The chalk or sketchy look appeals to me so I had a lot of fun with this set.  I used dioxide inks for both cards which I think really works well with the chalk-like images. 

Best of all, Chalk Florals and Chalk Florals 2 (Chalk Florals 2 featured in the cards below) are on sale for half off!

Click HERE for a look at all of the clear stamp sets on sale!

I thought this set would be perfect for a chalkboard-type card.  I kept the same general layout.  Just slightly different positioning so the leaves are different.

Make sure to stop by the Impression Obsession Blog for a full list of designers participating in Theme Day!  

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. What sweet cards Angie - love that 'chalk' look to the stamps, and you have used them beautifully

  2. Two sweet cards qnd how different on the white and black backgrounds

  3. These are absolutely delightful, Angie! They definitely remind me of drawing on the sidewalk and our driveway with chalk as a youngster. Something that, I happy to say, I still see some of the kids in our current neighbourhood doing to this day.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...