Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day Tripping Jarrell Plantation

We took a little day trip to Jarrell Plantation on Saturday. 

Steve enjoyed starting up the steam engine after it received the oil treatment!  The steam engine powered the Cane Press.

After the juice was extruded they cooked it in a pot to make syrup.  It boils for most of the day before it becomes syrup. 

We had a lovely day!  The weather was gorgeous.  We saw taffy being made, biscuits cooked on a cast iron stove, mohair spun into yarn and metal forging.  Here are some of the items in the buildings:

 Our little trooper!  We didn't realize how bad she was feeling until we were on our way home and she was bundled with all our coats and still had the chills!

Enjoying the day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Angie, thanks for visiting me and commenting on my banner card! I've been away most of the day and now I get to surf some blogs like yours! This day trip is so awesome and I wish we had something like this here in Arizona. Wonderful pic's...thanks for sharing and I hope your daughter feels better!


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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