Friday, April 11, 2014

The Liebster Award


What a fun surprise landed in my inbox this week at Splitcoaststampers!! Robin (Stamperrobin) nominated  my blog for the Liebster Award.  Thanks, Robin, it's been a blast getting to know you at SCS, as DD partners and crime, and MFP teamies!  Robin does amazing things with color!  Check out her blog here: InkMagination

The Liebster Award helps bring awareness to blogs with less than 300 followers. I started my blog, September of 2011 pretty much out of curiosity and because of a special group of ladies at Splitcoaststampers, the "Stampin' Flybabies".

Rules for participating in the Liebster Award nominations:

- Thank your Liebster  Blog Award presenter on your blog and answer the 11 questions they presented
- Link back to your presenter's blog
- Copy and Paste the pink Liebster logo to your blog
- Nominate 5 blogs to receive the award, who have less than 300 followers and create a list of 11 new questions for them, and
- Inform them of their nomination

The Five talented bloggers I hope you will visit are:

Here are my list of questions:
1) What or who  started you rubber stamping and when?

2) What do you do when not in your stamping area?

3)  Who has influenced your style?

4) Do you like to play in online crafting challenges and if so what is your favorite kind of challenge to play in?

5) What is your favorite type of card to create:  CAS, Clean  Layers, Distressed layers, etc?

6) Have you met any of your online crafting friends in real life and where was your first contact online?

7) What is the oddest item you have ever added to a card or scrapbook layout?

8) What is your Favorite Book?

9)What is your favorite Movie?

10) What is your favorite place to visit?

11) Do you have a pet?

Here is the list of questions Robin asked me:

1) What or who started you rubber stamping?  A random trip to Michael's with a coupon and a MS punch jumped into my basket, the next thing I knew I was making end of the year "Thank You" cards for my children's teachers.
2) What do you do when not in your stamping area? I am afraid that is a HUGE list!  Run my kids hither and yon, spend time with hubby, watch movies (my favorite thing), volunteer, cook and clean and play with our two cats!
3) Who has influenced your style? That's an interesting question and since I can't tell exactly what my style is, I am really confused!  Here are a few that I follow faithfully and WISH my style would grow to be like: I just love Inge Groot's style but I can't make a card like hers to save my life.  Dina Kowal's art is phenomenal, and Mona Pendelton's mixed media creations are simply stunning.  My list is much longer but I better stop or you will leave before you get to the end of this!  :)
4) Are you a multi-tasker or single-mindedly finish what you start no matter what? multi-tasker with single minded determination!
5) What is your favorite coloring method? Copics because I am beginning to learn to blend them but I REALLY want to become a better InkTense artist.
6) Why?
7) What is the funniest thing to happen while crafting?   I am pollen headed and I can't think right now of a single funny moment.  Many disasters....but at this moment nothing belly laughing comes to mind!
8) If you could go to a crafting weekend or retreat, where would you go? Anywhere that I didn't have to drive through a crazy big city and where talented artists would teach me about color and design!
9) Who would you want to take along for a great time? Janeen, Janine, and Brenda
10) Do you try to keep your craft room neat/tidy? oh I try, losing battle!  It is my favorite room to clean though!  :)
11) Do you organize by color, type, manufacturer or what?  yes!  LOL  my solid CS is arranged by color but also separate by manufacturer.  Embellies are tossed all together.  peals and gems according to color. Stamp sets according to manufacturer.


  1. Thank you, Angie, for the nomination, I feel quite honored. I was nominated for this once before, can I do this again?
    I love your work and I have enjoyed reading the answers to the questions that Robin gave you. You are such an inspiration to me. I am always amazed how you seem so comfortable with every style.

    Thank you, again, for the nomination and for your friendship.

  2. Great answers!! Glad you were able to participate! I am going to add my name to your follow list(if I haven't already...can't remember, it's morning!)

  3. So sweet Angie! I actually have been nominated for this in the past as well so waiting to hear your answer to Shirley's question. Loved reading your answers - isn't crafting the greatest thing - such an adventure! I love how you use color! Hugz!!!

  4. Congrats on your award! Enjoyed reading your answers!


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...