Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WOYWW #255 - gift from South Africa!

I am participating in Julie's "What's on your workdesk Wednesday" with a shot of a gift from my friend Petra in South Africa!  Stop by Julie's blog to join in WOYWW fun! 

So let's check out what's on my desk today.

I met Petra Swart at when we visited one another's gallery and before we knew it we were emailing regularly.  Petra asked me if I could send her something that she couldn't get in South Africa and I was happy to do it, in return she sent me this incredible goodie box.  Check out the cool corrugated box decorated with beautiful layered flags.  (I love banners and tags!)  I have opened the tape and  already used some plus there is something missing in this photo and that's the chocolate bar that we couldn't wait to eat!  :)  The Cappuccino is quite yummy too!

I think it's so fun to see the postage from another country so I included that in this photo as well as the fun stamping Petra added to the packaging!

Peeping just at the right hand corner is a sneaky little peek at the card I just finished for PPRS and will show up on my blog next Monday!

I was absolutely THRILLED to receive one of Petra's gorgeous cards.  I love her clean layers and look, more fabulous flags and tags!!!!  

Please head over to Petra's Blog to see more of her gorgeous creations!  

Thanks For Looking!


  1. This is a special gift from Petra. I love going to her site when she posts. She does some amazing cards. I am so happy for you and her. The card she sent is just gorgeous.


  2. Fabulous gifts! Such a fun idea! Thanks so much for visiting my WOYWW blog post today! ~ Sandy in Texas #84

  3. Fun box! Friends are the best! I feel right at home here. Thanks for visiting, and your kind words.
    robyn 41

  4. What an awesome gift! I've seen Petra's cards in Take Ten and Stamper's Sampler - she is one talented lady!

  5. well worth sharing. thank you for posting this Angie. how fun.

  6. What a fun package of great goodies! I love that she even decorated the box it all came in! Goodness, who has that kind of time? I love the card she sent as well.

  7. Oh my dear friend, it was such a great pleasure putting all of this together to thank you for your kindness and what a great honour to have you put this on your blog!! You are the best, Angie!!

  8. Lots of lovely goodies there, not to mention that beautiful card - lucky girl! Have a great week, Chris # 19 x

  9. Oh Angie, I LOVE that you participate in WOYWW!!!! I used to do that every single week, but stopped around the time I got on the Mark's Finest Papers team and got so busy with them. I was actually planning to link up with WOYWW again starting next week! I really miss a lot of the friends I made doing it weekly!!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for becoming a follower!! It's nice to hear that I'll be missed at MFP.

    Amy E.

  10. One lucky lady - nice package!

  11. Happy WOYWW Sorry to peek in and dash... .I love the black and white box!!
    hugs, Kimmer #96

  12. Wow! That's a very generous and beautiful gift you got from your friend Petra, and the packaging is gorgeous too. Blessings!

  13. How fun to make a friend on SCS and even exchange gifts. That is a gorgeous card! TFS and thank you for your earlier visit! :) #92

  14. How sweet of you and what a beatiful gift box from Petra. Thank you for sharing. :-) Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. April #71

  15. Great gifts, and some fun things to play with there, too! Love the card you received. Helen 5

  16. Cool gift, love the use of banners on the box and card. Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my place. Susanne #76 this week

  17. Wow Angie! What a great post! Love the beautiful card from Petra! TFS :)

  18. Gorgeous card. It's so nice to swap with other people and to receive a surprise in the post.
    Happy crafting, Angela x 48

  19. What a lovely gift & a beautiful box to put it in! Love the matching card!
    Thanks for taking the time to vsit my blog & gor leaving uch a sweet comment!
    Dawn xx

  20. Thanks for your visit earlier - 'busyness' got slowed down this week so I'm afraid the desk is just the same.
    I love your 'happy' mail - superb! some super banners and tags as well.
    Bishopsmate #79


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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