Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Love. That is All.

Hello!  It's Watercolor Wednesday at SCS!  We are using brush strokes to make circle art this week.  I have several practice sheets but I didn't know what I wanted to do with them until I thought of the brand new LOVE stamp from IO.  It's new in the January release.  If you haven't hopped our release you can start on DAY 1 and then continue to DAY 2 for a chance to win a prize.  :)  

So I stamped Love umpteen times using my MISTI - don't try this without one.  Haha!  This 100% Cotton paper is so textured that in the end, I had to darken the lines with a marker.  Then I painted circles.  It was so fun to watch the paint invade the space next to it!  

You can find all of the IO January Release HERE.  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  
Love and Hugs!



  1. Oh what a fun card Angie - love the way the watercolours have flowed into each other.
    Stay safe

  2. Eye-catching, awesomely artistic card, dear Angie.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...