Monday, November 7, 2022

A Cookie in Each Hand - IO Theme Day - In the Kitchen

This week we are "In the Kitchen" for the Impression Obsession Theme Day!  

I have fond memories of all the cookies my mom would bake at Christmas. My mom would make a wide variety of cookies during the season.  We would snack on them while watching Christmas specials.  So much fun!  One particular Christmas, I remember she stored all the cookies in coffee tins to keep them fresh.  Mom made sugar cookies with mint icing, spritz cookies, raspberry-filled cookies, and more.  The only problem was they all ended up tasting like coffee!  Mint icing with coffee flavor, umm...not so yummy.  However, great memories were made!

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Here is my nod to Christmas past!

Checkers (background)

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Thanks so much for stopping by!!!



  1. That's about right, Angie! LOL A PERFECT sentiment for your yummy cookies! ;)

  2. Love the sentiment! Great card, too! The cookies are perfectly "iced".

  3. Fab sentiment for this sweet card!

  4. Hysterical! My mom did the same thing and when I tried her recipe Years later I thought she had left out the coffee ingredient. I doctored her sugar cookie recipe to include, you guessed it... coffee.
    Merry Christmas memories!


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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