Wednesday, February 24, 2021

IO Theme Day - The Humblest Tasks

Hi!  It's Theme Day at Impression Obsession.  This month our theme is Be Crafty.  I chose Sewing Supplies as my crafty card not just because I haven't had the chance to ink it yet but also because it goes so well with this week's Art Nudge! I also really like the Humblest Tasks sentiment!  There are so very many boring tasks I do every day that can be considered beautiful if I have the right attitude!  

To see all the great Crafty Themed cards the DT has come up with stop by the Impression Obsession Blog!




  1. Love it. The pin cushion reminds me of one Mum had. I actually did a bit of hand sewing this week for little Sienna.

  2. What an immensely lovely card (and quote from a classic literature great). This is an instant fave and save (pin) for me, dear Angie.

    Oodles of hugs & happy wishes for the end of February coming your way.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...