Saturday, July 3, 2021

Turner Syndrome Foundation Card Auction

**Affiliate links used when possible with no added cost to you**


I am thrilled to share this post with you today as I have been asked to contribute to a card auction for the Turner Syndrome Foundation!  I have just browsed the auction and the cards are amazing! I feel honored to be in the company of such great cardmakers!  

So here is how the auction works: Head on over to Lori Kobular's IG account (@mulchlady6) and scroll through the amazing cards.  (I am near the lower end and on the right column if you would like to place a bid on my card!  But you might find one you like even more so bid where your heart leads you!  :)  So after bidding on the card the highest bidder will donate the amount they bid to the Turner Syndrome Foundation and the artist will mail the card to them.  I look forward to seeing who will end up with my card and escape to a quiet moment that speaks to the soul!

 To create my scene I first watercolored the background.  Then with the MISTI, I stamped the silhouettes several times!  It's not easy stamping on watercolor paper so I was thrilled to have a MISTI!  

Stamps used:




  1. What a fabulous card Angie - love the tranquility of the scene. Yes, stamping on watercolour paper is difficult! (don't ask me how I know...)
    Stay safe

  2. Tremendously lovely design. It abounds with tranquility and a sense of calm contentment most of us could use a fair bit more of in our daily lives (especially over the past couple of pandemic filled years).

    What an awesome, helpful project (the auction) to be involved with, dear Angie.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

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You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

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