Thursday, December 9, 2021


When I thought of Joy for this week's Free 4 All Challenge, December was still some ways away.  It's easy to think of Joy and December when it hasn't happened yet!  Ha! 
 I love December and Christmas.  It also happens to be my birth month so there is a lot of joy happening!  However, now that I am smack dab in the middle of December, I am finding that there is a lot I am not loving this year.   I don't love that I have missed over a week of December happenings being sick this year!  It means I probably won't get out Christmas cards and I have no idea what gifts I am giving!  I haven't been to a store since before Thanksgiving!  So yikes. However, the bottom line is those are just things and stuff.  Maybe there is a reason that the Grinch Stole Christmas has always been my favorite Christmas show!  Moment by moment there is a lot to be joyful over!  So here are three cards that just won't ignore joy!  

I hope you are gliding through December!  Leave me a note and let me know how you are doing, good or bad!


First, up is this cool seamless shaker card!  These are so much fun to make.  I took JOY in being released from having to use foam layers to make a shaker!!! 

****Edited to add instructions.  So sorry, I was feeling rough and didn't have the energy to tell you how I did this! I was hoping to find a video from Mary who taught this in a class, I took.  I couldn't find hers but I did find a video from JD.   I used stamp packaging to make this shaker.  You can also find pockets. is sold out right now but you can take a look HERE to get an idea of what you are looking for.  You can see in the stamp pocket that you can purchase that the corners are mitered.  I did that myself with stamp packaging.  

Step 1:  create your card front, add die-cuts, sentiment, etc.  Step 2: cut a piece of very thin acetate or stamp packaging larger than your background so that you can fold it over and adhere it(about a 1/2 inch larger on each side).  Place your card front(background piece) face down on the acetate.  Place sturdy, double-sided tape on the edges of the card (you should be looking at the backside of the card front and placing the tape on the backside).  Step 3: Remove tape backing on 3 sides of the card. Fold acetate or packaging around the card and adhere to the sticky back.  Now you have a sealed card front with one side open.  Ste 4: fill the card with your choice of sequins and shaker mix.  Step 5: Fold over the 4th edge of acetate and adhere to the back of the card front.  Step 6: cover the back with sturdy double-sided tape.  Remove tape backing and adhere to a folded card base!  Easy Peasy.  

Bells and background stamps are a thing of joy!

A textured wreath adds welcome to any door (or card) and that is a pretty joyful thing!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I really would love to hear how you are doing and what brings you joy this year so leave me a comment and let me know!   

Today's Featured Items




  1. So sorry to hear that you have been/are ill! I pray that you are on the well side again very soon. I have a question for you. Can you tell me more about the seamless shaker card and how you made it and/or where you got the products to do that? I love the look of all your JOY cards, especially that one, and would like to know more about it. Thanks

    1. So sorry, I was feeling pretty rough! I have edited my post to include a description. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  2. You bring me Joy!!! I hope you get better soon.

  3. Beautiful cards and musings alike, dear Angie. I'm so sorry that you've been feeling rough as of late. It's like adding insult to injury when that happens around the time of one's birthday. May you soon be on the mend and able to find numerous additional sources of joy before 2021 draws to a close.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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