Monday, October 23, 2017

No Tricks Just Treats - GUI Winner, Recycling, & CAS

Happy Monday!  For two lucky winners, it truly is a HAPPY Monday!
I have checked my list, and checked it again, then ran it through and now it's just time to congratulate the winners but before I do here's a little bit about this card....

After selecting my winners I realized I needed a fun photo to celebrate so that meant I needed to create a quick card!   I checked SCS for today's challenges and the Falliday Fest challenges (I do hope to get a few more cards in for the event!) and found that the CAS452 is a Halloween theme so I picked up Hallow's Eve Kitty from Unity Stamp Co and checked to see which Falliday Fest Challenges I had not done yet.  I selected FF17ForestRanger - find something to recycleIt only took a second to find my recycle material stashed on top of my box of crafty recycling pieces.  In the spring Janine and her husband visited us from England, how cool is that?  Not only did we get to meet this super sweet couple but they brought presents too!  The background framing is a piece of the wrapping paper I couldn't part with.  

Ok, so have I tortured you long enough with my wordy description of this card? 
Without further ado

Sandy Clinton

You are my lucky winners!  Please leave me a comment with your email address so I can get your mailing information. (comment moderation is on so your email address will not be made public)


  1. Another fun card ~ I would've never noticed that it had no coloring!!

  2. Lovely to see the wrapping paper getting a 2nd outing. That cat makes a great quick card.

  3. Love this!!! Great Halloween card!!!

  4. Congrats to the winners! Your card is great! Super use of wrapping paper as a background.

  5. Super fun an no coliring? I would not have noticed. Conrats to the winners.

  6. Fantastic card Angie! That cat silhouette is awesome! Great way to upcycle from your stash!

  7. Fab card. Congrats to the lucky winners. Hugz

  8. Oh my! Angie, I am THRILLED to be one of the winners! I LOVE Unity stamps, and thank you so much! You surely made the sweetest cards to inspire us all. I giggled, because I was reading about your sweet card and how you used some recycled paper from when Janine visited precious is that?! I love how beautifully the paper works with this adorable cat (I love the little heart). So then I got to the bottom and wondered why my name was there. And it just didn't click right away until I read the next paragraph. Haha! Thank you so much!!


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...