Monday, August 9, 2021

Wildly Capable

Hello!  It's Dare to Get Dirty week at Splitcoaststampers!  DTGD is a fun week full of challenges and prizes.  I have played along every year for... ha, I was thinking it's been a decade but I checked my SCS gallery and discovered that this is my 9th year!  This is a bit of a weird year for me as I have had to sit out as a hostess this time. I was hoping to have this ready as a sample for Janine but too many things crowded my schedule so I am getting a slow start but I hope to play in a few more DTGD Challenges before the week is out. To find out how you can play along and be eligible to win some amazing prizes just click here. 

As always the details of the DTGD challenges are secret but I can tell you who I created this for and what I used!

This is going to go to my daughter.  She is about to head to her Jr year of college and she had a bit of a rough day yesterday.  She received some news that was disappointing, a relationship struggle, and the anxiety of packing and moving coming up this weekend.  All rolled into one the events had this usually unflappable girl in tears. I used the new Zebra from IO and I added the Wildly Capable sentiment on the inside.  The inside says: Never Forget How Wildly Capable You Are!  

Also, the current SALE category is Women!  There are even two clear sets marked down even further and they are really sweet sets!  

Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a look!   




  1. Hope this cute card brings a smile back to her face and pray that her new year goes well.

  2. You are such a caring, awesome mama. I'm deeply sorry that your DD is going through a challenging time and really hope this super cute zebra greeting brings a much needed dose of cheer her way (just as I hope her current stresses are soon a thing of the past).

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...