Friday, March 25, 2022

A Little Birdie...

Hello!  It's time for a new Free 4 All Challenge at SCS.  This week we are free as a bird and we would love it if you joined us!  

I have become a huge fan of Cover-A-Card stamps.  I love that I can stamp them in any color I wish and never run out as happens with a stack of patterned paper.

Here is what I used today:

I would love to know if you have a backyard feeder for birds and what comes to visit.

We have a feeder in the back and we attract House Finches, Cardinals, the Titmouse, Chickadees, occasionally an Oriole, and Yellow Finches, as well as the four-footed breed, also known as squirrels!  :) 

Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. What a sweet card Angie - love your background stamp!!
    I had a starling house in my last place, and loved watching them - I also used to put out food for the other birds and got a mixture of sparrows, finches and the occasional thrust and myhna feeding from what fell on the ground.

  2. Lovely card Angie and sweet challenge today encouraging a whole variety of birds. Yes we have feeders, tried to make them squirrel proof, magpie proof and pigeon proof to give the smaller birds a chance. We get visits from Starlings, Blackbirds, Blue Tits and Sparrows. The Robin sits in the trees or other vantage points singing sweetly and comes down for meal worms. The Wren is sometimes seen hopping on the deck or in the flower bed.

    1. We love our little wren. She makes a nest in the oddest places and then for one moment in early summer we see her babies leave the nest! :) It is difficult to make the feeders squirrel proof!

  3. This is so cute! I love how it turned out.

  4. Charmingly delightful card - and such a great point regarding the fact that background stamps typically last far longer than patterned paper pads.

    We do not have any birdfeeders on our property, but are still fortunate to be graced by the presence of quite a few different avian species throughout the year. Including (but not limited to) ravens, pheasants, robins, jays, woodpeckers, finches, the (very occasional) hawk, and, much to my endless delight, owls.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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