Monday, August 13, 2018


Dare to Get Dirty 2018 is done.  There is still time to upload before the galleries are closed but the daily challenges are done.  41 challenges in 7 days and there are quite a few gals that finished them all!  Amazing!  The week of DTGD is so fun because we are all in it together, getting inky, staying up later, our desks overflowing with paper, paints, and ink!  I love the chat and getting to know other artists better.  One of the super fun aspects of a week like DTGD is stepping out of our comfort zones and trying new things. 

When I saw this challenge pop up and read the hostess chatter about this one, I thought, "Nope. Just Nope.  Not going to try it."  Well, usually when I tell myself nope, I go right ahead and do the opposite!  I am so glad I didn't listen to myself.  I think this is the most interesting card I made all week!  There's just something about it.  It doesn't hurt that it's pink, either!  LOL

I just loved how my next card turned out!  Janine sent me this gorgeous stencil. Janine and Janeen are amazing people and I count myself very fortunate to have met them!  This card was extra fun to create because of the ease of adding color with the Life Changing Blender Brush set.  I am telling you, the brushes are amazing!  The brushes simply float across the paper and stencil!  No more sponges coming apart and leaving odd marks on the paper!  

I rarely make square cards and I didn't make these on the same day but pink looks great on a square, don't you think?

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Love that top card Angie - that is amazing. Love the pink on both cards, and those brushes do look wonderful.. I watched a video on them yesterday.

  2. I am blushing!
    2 great cards and so much Angie pink. I had similar thoughts about that challenge but couldn't let it beat me!
    I still would like to do one more DTGD card for Sienna's birthday in October - we'll see

  3. Thank you dear friend. You ARE the dear friend. That top card is a stencil? It is an AMAZING card done on the pink like that.


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Peace Tag

Hello, for this week's F4All Challenge, we are using embossing folders. I chose a lovely folder that my friend Janeen gave me.  I love i...