Tuesday, June 2, 2020

You Matter.

 The FB Art Nudge prompt is a lovely pink flower and blue background.  

I will be sending this to a Teapot Challenge Recipient but tonight I am thinking about friends who are in pain.  I have read your FB posts and I wish I could look at each of you and tell you, you are lovely.  I read something last night that spoke to me deeply and so I just want to say to anyone who needs to hear it, I believe you.  You Matter.

A Rose    Layers of Clouds Stencil

Early Tulip Bouquet        Gin & Tonic Sequin Mix

 Bundle: Sequin Mixes. The Entire Collection


  1. What a beautiful card Angie - yes, there are a lot of hurting people, and bless you for thinking of them
    Stay safe

  2. What a beauty - love those colours and your pretty rose

  3. What a fabulously gorgeous card, Angie. I really feels as though one is laying or sitting on the sun-heated grass of these beautiful spring-into-summer days and gazing peacefully up at a blue sky as a stunning pink bloom fills part of the sightline.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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