Thursday, September 23, 2021

Most Incredible

 Hello! Today I am over on the MISTI blog featuring a project that shows just how incredible the MISTI really is!  

Combining Stamps to Create a Scene: First, I placed the Make it Your Own Mug stamp in an Original MISTI and stamped three on regular cardstock and two on watercolor paper. (this mug is so fun because the size is such that you really can make it your own by stamping designs on it or simply coloring as I have done here)  Next, I placed the mug-stamped cardstock in the Mini MISTI. A piece of clear acetate came next and then I positioned the butterfly from Spring Elements on the acetate and stamped it.  It took several times to get the butterfly positioned just right. Using the acetate allowed me to wipe the butterfly away and reposition it without wasting paper!  

Stamping Multiples: After taking the time to line up the stamps, it would be silly not to stamp multiples!  I stamped the mug and butterfly on several pieces of cardstock and watercolor paper. I plan to stamp a few more since the stamps are still in the MISTIs.  

Stamping Backgrounds: I really wouldn't attempt this next step without a MISTI.  I masked the butterfly and mug then stamped the Floral Spray background stamp.  With large stamps like this, it usually requires stamping twice which makes the MISTI an invaluable tool. Lastly, I added the Stay Strong sentiment.

 **I am using compensated affiliate links at no further cost to you. I make a small commission on the products used in the links below.**

All of the stamps featured today are from Impression Obsession and are listed below!

Thank you for stopping by and happy crafting!








  1. Angie this is an exquisite design - love that butterfly, and how you worked to position it so perfectly! Sorry I have not been around for a day or so - I have not been well.
    Stay safe

  2. Very nicely done. I wouold be so lost without my MISTI!

  3. Absolutely beautiful card, Angie. A Misti is way up there on my craft supply wishlist. I have the smaller version of the TH stamp press, however did not realize until several months after I bought (a few years back now) that mine arrived with the magnets missing (it was bought new online). I found some small magnets indented for magnetic whiteboards that kinda do the trick and for now I'm getting by, but, again, would absolutely love to bring a Misti home one day.

    Hope your week is off to a great start and that you have a fantastic tail end of September + start of October!

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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