Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Jar of Flowers.

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Hello!  It's Watercolor Wednesday and this week we are painting a jar of flowers!
This was my second attempt and the difference is so startling it almost doesn't look like the same painter painted the two pieces.  I noticed that I relaxed more as I painted the second time and I let go of the fear that I might not be able to do it.  It's not perfect.  I see things that trouble me but I am very happy with this result and look forward to painting a jar of flowers again soon!  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  If you have a recent watercolor project and you are comfortable leaving a link please do so in the comments, I would love to stop by and visit your page!



  1. Lovely - have to find time to play later

  2. Kove the softness of your painting and the lovely grey mounting shows it off beautifully

  3. Stellar job, Angie! This is so peaceful and pretty. Had you not said anything, I would never have guessed that this was only your second try at a painting a scene like this. IMO, you're a watercolour natural!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

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