Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Hello!  Happy Friday to you!  It's my turn to host the F4All Challenge at Splitcoaststampers and this week my challenge is to add at least one die-cut to your project.  

One of my favorite things about this card is the texture from the Road Texture stamp.  Isn't it fun? I love the Just Retired stamp as it is just so cute!  I added the cute little Sunny Face because it will be a sunny day on the last day of work, even if it's raining!  Haha.  Lastly, I love the Cloud Borders as there are so many different ways to use them!

Are you retired?  I would love to know if you are retired, how long you have been retired, and if you are loving it!  




  1. What a wonderful card Angie - I am of retirement age, but only really worked in voluntary/part time situations after I was married, then the last few years after DH retired were spent caring for him until he passed, by then I was eligible for the pension in my own right - am I enjoying my life now - yes!
    Stay safe

  2. Awesome card my friend. I guess you could call me retired since I'm disabled from my migraines and have been for the last decade. Not enjoying it though. I do have my good days but not many.

  3. What a sweet, happy, splendidly charming card. I'm with you big time regarding that fab cloud die. So cute and versatile!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


You make my day with your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Hey Chick!

Hey, Chick!  I am sharing a sweet chicken card inspired by The Art Nudge #325D . I used the colors of the art prompt and the chicken theme, ...